Everything Is A Remix: KILL BILL from robgwilson.com on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
hay guys! what did i miss?!

Oh, hallo, fellow Jerkos!
Just thought I'd pull my head out of my arse long enough to take a whiff of the goings ons over here, and I'm glad to report this blog is as shitty as ever thanks to it's "new" mayor, Sir Prance A Lot. Puts the smell of my own fudge tunnel to shame. SHAME I tells you. What a fine job of shit you've got here, Sir Fuckmyhorn. Welcome to your first day of orifice - WOOPS I meant 'office' hmmh hmmm.
Well, back to jerking off wealthy Americans for me! If any gents are inclined I could have you shown around this fair city by an bevvy of amazonian tour guides who really 'know their way around'. Wink wink and all that, old cocks. Cindy Lauper was right: Money really DOES change everything.
Fuck You Softly,
~ Happy 'Connecticut Kidd' Hans
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
hockey it up!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
a promise
attention, his majesty, king fuck

and his arse-licking agent, PVPedophile

i'm going to spend all future energies ruining this hunk of shit known as jerk city. fuck also blog laver (someone i never actually liked in the first place) and a super fuck you to the fairweather friend drogosaurus — level 10 asshole for ditching my campaign when the going got tough. you're both cold, dry cunts.
BEHOLD THE REVELATION, my true friends: nutsalot & americus.
i take a shit on this blog!
Our saviour returned in the nick of time!!
Beware the golden devil!

Everyone has been wondering where I have been. Well, as you all know, I am Jesus Christ of Jerk City and just like the real JC, I was crucified a few weeks ago. But it's almost Unicorn easter, so I'm back from the dead for the rapture to hide easter eggs straight from my wonderful horn!
If you had read the new jerk testament, you would have seen that It has been foretold in Jerk City revelations that a golden haired dickhead would swoop in and try to become ruler of Jerk City. This dumb dumb would be one that has not been with us from the beginning. A late shithead if you will. THE GOLDEN DEVIL. This is the first sign of the Jerkocalypse.
The second sign is that Americus would no longer be an asian crazed pervert.
There are others, but I forget most of them.
So as ruler, I have come back to Jerk City to bring peace and take with me the worthy Jerks into jerk heaven where we will jerk each other for eternity.
Th election is over. You are all losers.
Blog you very much.
I'm a bit confused....
election update
uhhh, exCUSE *ME,* ASSHOLE!!
Hey everyone!!
Well, it's been quite a week. I'd like to thank TSoWR for running a good, clean campaign but what can I say? THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!
As your new mayor, my first job will be to create a new look for our blog. I was thinking something like this:
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support. Who'd have thought when we started this little blog 20 years ago that it would blossom into the foremost source of news and opinions in the bogosphere? CONGRATULATIONS JERKS!!! 4 MORE YEARS!!
-your mayor
Well, it's been quite a week. I'd like to thank TSoWR for running a good, clean campaign but what can I say? THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!!
As your new mayor, my first job will be to create a new look for our blog. I was thinking something like this:

-your mayor
Election Update
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Friday, April 08, 2011

How could I not throw my hat in the ring after receiving such ringing endorsements as these:
i'd just like to say what a good point porchy has made once again - TSoWR
o' porchy, your insights are so spot on. way to go! who can possibly disagree? - TSoWR
herr von porchington makes a well-grounded point - TSoWR
So there ya have it jerks!! What more do ya need?? Empty promises? YOU GOT 'EM!!
• try morer
• do betterer
• start caring even more
Vote early! Vote often!! PVP in 2011!!
cast your votes, ladies
a big day today, here at jerk city, friends. as we all know, a good mayor speaks up for his constituents. takes time to address the most pressing issues. isn't afraid to make the tough decisions.
well, i'm not asking you to vote for me— i'm asking you to vote for yourselves! i simply want you to consider how you've been served by my opponent, mr. f. horn, lo, these past many months. and if that means it's time for him to be replaced by somebody else, then that's for you to decide.
majority rules, people.
thank you.
What is Truth
Americus you are a fine spirited competitor which reminds me of the ...................................
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Porchy Commands It and tSoWR Provides
honoured gallery, herr von porchington makes a well-grounded point, and i've always maintained that decision-making isn't something one does capriciously.
now, some of you may think that tSoWR suckled from a teat gushing with caviar, but in fact, my roots are just the same as your own! small town this. core values that. folks, it's all about job creation, do you hear what i'm saying??
and with that, i will fail to honour the following campaign promises:
• try more
• do better
• start caring
what do you say, porchy? it's all out in the open —will the dandy have his day?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
warning-----> your mayoralty has just been challenged. <------warning
the plebes call for renewal. a renewal of spirit. a renewal of kinship. a renewal that sees you getting your fetid arse kicked out of this kingdom because you're too busy with 'your life' to participate by posting so much as an image of a unicorn getting impaled with its own fucking horn!
americus opines thus: "…I say you take over this thing that is our blog Mr.SWR.What say you men? Revolution or live under the rule of an absent idiot?"
methinks a poll is at hand, and mealsothinks the incumbent forehead horn had better heed the winds of change, for the collective will of this rag's participants must be honoured. i address you directly, sir, your so-called 'contribution' for 2011 is tantamount to pissing on the grave of none other than mother theresa, you callous COCK!
adios, dead weight— make way for the dandy-in-chief
fig. 1 a lame piece of shit sent packin'

fig. 2 dude with a massive penis inherits the throne

Monday, April 04, 2011
Saturday, April 02, 2011
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