Friday, January 27, 2006

They think he's a righteous dude...

As much as I love The Breakfast Club, I'd have to say that my favorite John Hughes film is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I was Ferris' age when I first saw the movie, and though Broderick was very charismatic in the role, I thought he was a real jerk.

He tells the bedridden Cameron on the phone that this day is for him, but I don't buy it. I've always been of the opinion that the film is really about Cameron, since it's a lot easier for us to relate to him rather than the larger-than-life Ferris.

When Cameron freaks out on the car he exclaims, "My old man pushes me around", which is pretty much what Bueller does to him throughout the whole damn movie. He forces him to come and pick him up in the shitbox, he forces him to pose as Sloane's dad on the phone with Rooney and then worst of all, despite Cameron's pleading, he takes out his dad's ridiculously expensive car.

Danke Schoen my ass. Ferris was a dick.


Mark Ackland said...

You just hopped into the ocean wearing a jumpsuit made of chum, my friend!

Whatever happened to that "Mia Sara" she made my penis want to take a day off with my balls.

good day

Blayne Burnside said...

Cameron is the tits.

I also liked Jeffrey Jones before he turned pedophile.

Blayne Burnside said...

I'm officially retracting my John Hughes decision.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles is the

I'm sorry for any difficulty or pain my misguided declaration may have caused any of you.

Happy Hans said...

This fuggin Matt Broderick almost got me killed in Ireland. Thanks to his running over (and killing) people in a drunken fit, and then fleeing the country like a coward, I had to watch it. Some people still actually confuse me for him, y'know. ('Cept I'm hotter.)