Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If this doesn't coax Monkeynuts out of the woodwork, nothing will....

When I was a kid, I loved me some Laff-a-Lympics. I think it was Hanna-Barbera's first big sell-out show. Joe couldn't come up with any new ideas, so they took every character they had and put them in head-to-head competition for something. I was such a fan of H & B that I thought it was cool to see all their characters together on a show, but you can't go home again. That show makes Diabolique look like Showgirls.

Here's a cheat sheet of who competes against who for jerk reference.


Dragovail - Level 18 Dragosaur said...

I bet there were top exec meetings about who was on each team. The scoobie doobies always won!

Forehead Horn the Last Unicorn said...

Well, I guess that's it for the blog.

Michael Helmer said...

wowzer, i remember this show, much like that other one, Battle of the Network Stars! unreal

i got some juicy bits to post if i can ever remember my login

Forehead Horn the Last Unicorn said...

Who is "The Hammer"?

Sir King-Kong-Monkey-Nuts-a-Lot said...

from now on dont let these outside agitators come in and dump on our blog !