HOW IS IT that m. fucking night shyamalan, creator of such hopeless tragedies in filmmaking as lady in a shitbath, each one more offensive than the last in their banality, how is it that he, who was so universally panned for his last hunk of utter garbage… i think it was the field or the house or something, how the FUCK does he come back a number of years later, with the biggest spectacle of them all?
multimillion dollar effects, every teen idol in the book. this guy has proved his lack of worth time & again and then —HEY, PRESTO!— all of a sudden he's given so much money, he's made THE LAST FUCKING AIRBENDER??!!! the last fucking cockbender, more like, jesus CHRIST!
written, produced & directed by the tit, Himself. let's hope he doesn't also have a fucking cameo in this thing as is his wont. writ— i mean "written" by means it'll suck, because he can't write. he got lucky with 6th sense; it's been downhill from there. produced by: now this makes sense. it's the only reason for the unrestrained shyamalan experience in the first place, thought i still can't figure out how he hoodwinked people into giving him money again. directed by: i won't even bother with, since it's it's nothing more than celluloid masturbation for him.
type in "i hate m. night shyamalan" and see for yourself how many fucking sites come up.
i've got an idea for his next masterpiece. it's called "why m. night shyamalan should never been given another cent when there are so many other people out there who can actually tell a story".
tasty ramblings ripe-wifer!
i agree
where is the funny pitchers?
Shamalynadongagangblang - The interzone is listening. And has judged thee...unworthy.
And dumb.
What an edgy blog!
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