Monday, July 12, 2010



Americus said...

Great Post. The whole time I was watching it I was waiting for his mother to tell at him to turn it down from the other room.

What is that logo of theirs ??? ha ha ha... Can anyone figure it out???

Brian Coughlan said...

i think it's a 'crazy guy' holding a meat cleaver and running. poor, poor silhouette. i am going to get a giant t-shirt like that though.

The Supporter Of Womens' Rights said...

blog laver is correct and it troubles me how quickly he plucked that "guess" out of thin air.

the song they're singing is by a group called TWIZTID which is an updated incarnation of the insane [sic] clown posse. ugh.

twiztid appears courtesy psychopathic records, the logo for which, is a be-dreadlocked insaniac running with meat cleaver. the white halo further obfuscates an already bad design.

Happy Hans said...

I don't think I"m high enough for this post.