Friday, July 16, 2010

sorrell booke's dad recommends:

i received this in an email entitled "bad case of the mondays" with body copy that read simply "i'm guessing 'annoyed' "

just last week, hans hypothesized that our very own blog laver was, quote, having 'a day'. i cannot say whether this gentleman is a jerk, necessarily, but without question, he has been similarly afflicted by "a day."

beware, contributors: do not let the stresses of work get the better of you!

Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more Funny Videos


Dragovail - Level 18 Dragosaur said...

What a spectacular gem!

Did you see how many wussies where in that office?

Americus said...

Wow that guy really flipped his lid!! I wish someone in my office would do that so it would give me an excuse to beat the F outta em..

Happy Hans said...

Where's Terry when you need him?