Friday, February 25, 2011

IRIE!! a rant in miniature

fuck, gang, i am so sick of this bullshit of working all day & night…

is this what it's come down to? listening to adult contemporary & posting images of a guy with a fucking brick of hash where his hair used to be?

and when's the last time i got my pole smoked? fuck, i can't even be bothered with such trivialities; from where would i divine such inspiration? only HashHead® knows for sure. i'm totally tapped, gents —i feel like a goddamned vegetable.

time to switch up with La Grange & stick my willy in a socket to supercharge these woe begotten gonads. …check out a blue review, mebbe. purely perfunctorily, you understand.

in any case, it's friday, so let the jizzim rise. rise from the depths like a cadaver possessed by the creole mojo, coursing through its undead veins. THE VAS DEFERENS WILL HAVE ITS DAY! bottoms up, i'll drink to that!


Dragovail - Level 18 Dragosaur said...

Supporter of Women's Rights has said it again fellas!

glockenspiel said...

HOLY! what is going on, not going on, at the SOWR household? time to check into rehab or join americus at the rub n'tug

Happy Hans said...

Sperm all up in the brizzains...