Monday, May 12, 2008


Leon is a magnificent and unforgettable movie. A cast including Jean Reno, Natalie Portman and Gary Oldman. It's the story of a man who has nobody in this world, and who all of a sudden has to be a father, a mentor and a friend all at once. You get great action sequences, thrills, love and comedy, but at it's heart is a story that has even more impact. It's Luc Besson's masterpiece.


Porchy Von Porchington said...

Haven't seen this one yet.

I'll think about it.

Dragovail - Level 18 Dragosaur said...

If you see it Porchy pretend you're not attracted to a twelve year old Natalie Portman, and everything will be okay. The police won't come this time.

That's what I did.

Brian Coughlan said...

Leon is a peed-o.

SuperMajic said...

Ya Jay Leno was great in that film as the astranged father.. You should see it loser..