Sunday, April 17, 2011

hay guys! what did i miss?!

Oh, hallo, fellow Jerkos!

Just thought I'd pull my head out of my arse long enough to take a whiff of the goings ons over here, and I'm glad to report this blog is as shitty as ever thanks to it's "new" mayor, Sir Prance A Lot. Puts the smell of my own fudge tunnel to shame. SHAME I tells you. What a fine job of shit you've got here, Sir Fuckmyhorn. Welcome to your first day of orifice - WOOPS I meant 'office' hmmh hmmm.

Well, back to jerking off wealthy Americans for me! If any gents are inclined I could have you shown around this fair city by an bevvy of amazonian tour guides who really 'know their way around'. Wink wink and all that, old cocks. Cindy Lauper was right: Money really DOES change everything.

Fuck You Softly,
~ Happy 'Connecticut Kidd' Hans


Brian Coughlan said...

We all know what you're doing down there...

Americus said...

You didn't miss much Connecticut Kid. We had an "election".Some big mouth with empty promises won. Strings are still being pulled by a Putin like oligarch and things are EXACTLY the same as before if not worse.

Democracy in action!!!!!!!