Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Biggest jerk of them all.

Rickles is a serious jerk, but this guy might take the cake.

If you've never seen the Phil Silvers Show, you're really missing out. He's this sargeant who runs the motor pool, and he's constantly trying to con people out of dough with his shemes. He's also really great in It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

And word has it he was quite the ladies' man!


Blayne Burnside said...

...or when he was on Gilligan's Island.

Brian Coughlan said...

Charlie Brown?

Blayne Burnside said...

Jonathon Winters loses his marbles and destroys that garage with those two little nebbishes.

I love it when Silvers is floating down the river in his car, moaning and bitching at that kid on the shore.