Tuesday, November 29, 2005

IMAXifying my holly-daze

Just in case I seem a little harsh on how one spends their holly-daze, I thought I'd let you know I'll be seeing 'Niagara: Miracles, Myths and Magic' this season. Why? Well, if you watch this trailer, you'll see my sister-in-law in it. She's the one in the silhouette holding up her arms.

In the fun facts about the movie, it'll tell you that it's debut was on May 1st, 1987. What it doesn't tell you that the then 17 year old girl playing the native 'maiden of the mist' wasn't native at all (actually of Scottish and Chinese-Jamaican descent), and was so hung over on the day of the shoot, she was vomiting profusely in-between takes. And the male cast members' favourite pick-up lines amounted to 'So, what native band are you from?' all the while.

It's sure to be a hit with me! I'll be guffawing my way through it, as those of you who've had the unfortunate experience of going to a movie with me can attest.

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