Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloweens !!!!!!!!

This was the scarest movie I even seen when I was a kid. It's about a man from Plant X. PLANT X !!!!!!! Boooo Boooo Boooo !!!!


Happy Hans said...

You were a kid when this came out? Yer old.

Blayne Burnside said...

I forgot about that!

Good luck fuc.ks!!

Blayne Burnside said...

If anyone's getting ripped off it's me.

They're swimming in my schtick, and it's all GOLD!

Florian Fiebig said...

But look who's actually pitchin' while you sit on your sorry asses.!?

Blayne Burnside said...


Blayne Burnside said...

Damn straight! That Commodore Nutt - "I'm a fuckin' idiot" bit alone is ripe to be ripped off.

Blayne Burnside said...

He tried to, but Gen. Tom punched him in the mush.