Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Jerk City will live forever! Hallelujah!

As creator of Jerk City, I often sit and think of my role in 'The City of dickheads', and I always come to the same conclusion. Like Jesus Christ was the mayor of Bethlehem, I am the Jesus Christ of Jerk City...the JC of JC if you will. I built it's Jerky walls, paved it's streets with Jerky stones, and covered it's roti's in Jerk sauce...and, well, jerked it alot in general. And the Jerk's came and made Jerk City their home. But it pains me to see that there is an imposter in our midst. An anti christ of Jerk City, or 'Azmodi' Christ if you will. But as your jerk lord and saviour, I Forehead Horn, am here to say that...


Please donate to the Forehead Horn foundation for jerky children.


Blayne Burnside said...

So does this mean that you're prepared to die for our sins a.sswipe?

Florian Fiebig said...

Here we go. Now this blog turns into a fuckin' religion or sect or something? First this fuckin' cheesy unique Horn Icon with wavy hair and fucking golden hoofs.
And then in one breath you're talking Jesus crap, conspiracy theory and beg for a donation.

What's next? Baptism? Circumcision? Burka? Self-Mutilation...?

What in the fuck?