Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I present to youse
the ultimate TV show for a seven year old.

It's perfectly timed
release (1980) put it
in the mix at the height of the Sword & Sorcery craze before the release of 'Conan
the Barbarian' (1982) and 'Fire and Ice' (1983). Character designs by Alex Toth and Jack Kirby ruled,
as did the rediculous plotlines involving rat-men on
motorcycles in a post-apocalyptic America, topping
off with a battle with the Statue of Liberty come to
life and shooting flames.

Ookla the Moc, Thundarr and his gal-pal Ariel were a barrel of laughs; guaranteed by the stright-faced delivery of lines like 'This must be a portender of the human lair!' 'No, it's a movie poster.' 'Mooooo- veee?' 'Forget it. It's not a sign.' Not to mention the fact that Thundarr was way too dumb to pick up on the fact that Ariel had the hots for him. He only wanted to hang with Ookla...CHECK IT!


1 comment:

Happy Hans said...

I'm totally laughing because I found a shiteload of these on eMule...can't believe how fun it is, still.

They are SO damn funny. So much deadpan effort for retardedness is just AWESOME.

Of course when I was a kid, it was just awesome because of the crazy adventures. And the ruined cities, monsters, pirates, and Ookla kicking ass. What else does a kid need on a Saturday morning?