Sunday, October 23, 2005

U-turn is chock full of jerks!

Sorry spoiler for dipping in on your territory, but I can't help myself.

It may not be a particularly great movie but "U-turn" has some incredible jerks in it. Actually, every single character is pretty much a complete asshole including the protagonist, "Bobby Cooper" played by Sean Penn. Penn is the master of acting totally and utterly frustrated and fucked. My fav though is Joaquin Phoenix who plays tough guy, "Toby N. Tucker a.k.a. TNT". AMAZING! He has "TNT" shaved right into the back of his head.

Take a look at the rest if the jerky cast. It doesn't get much jerkier than this...

Nick Nolte
Powers Boothe
Billy Bob Thornton
Jon Voight

And even Jennifer Lopez and Claire Daines play jerk girls.

1 comment:

Happy Hans said...

Now, you know what you gotta do next time...focus on the BEST JERK. And why...Gonna walk in another man's garden, better know how he plants it..