Friday, October 28, 2005

hope your birthday is BANGIN !

happy birthday horny horse


Happy Hans said...

"Whether a unicorn is real or make-believe doesn't matter. What does matter, is they way we perceive the unicorn and what we believe it to be in our hearts. To many of us, the unicorn is a creature that we aspire to be. We desire to experience the magic, the nobility, the purity, and the beauty that is the unicorn. So, it doesn't exist in our so-called real world or so we are told, we can still admire it and aspire to be it. There are a lot worse things that we can hold up as role models. "

That is the reason we all love him.

Florian Fiebig said...

but because he is "the Last Unicorn" he is also fuckin' lonely.
hiding in the woods rubbing his butt on a tree. how sad is that?

My heart goes out to the ones I pity.
That's why I love the uni.